Moodle is one of the best PHP open source Content Management System (CMS). According to the E-Learning Guild survey in 2008, Moodle was used by more private sector organizations than any other Learning Management System (LMS). This shows that Moodle is considered to be the world's favourite LMS.
Moodle is robust and scalable and is used by thousands of organizations across all sectors. Moodle development offers a wide range of functionality which enables you to upload and track online learning resources, as well as use features such as blogs, wikis, chat rooms, discussion forums, polls, content managing, multi language support, quizzes with questionnaires, database activities, glossaries, surveys, and much more.
Total IT Software Solution, LMS Development Company, consists of an experienced team of Moodle developers who offer you customizable Moodle solutions from design and development to hosting and maintenance. We provide a wide range of services that includes a tailored moodle design and moodle development. This will give you your very own hosted Learning delivery site exactly the way you want it to look and feel.
Using Moodle gives you the following benefits:
- Moodle is open source and consists of no license fees.
- Moodle is great for creating discussion boards and for creating online quizzes.
- Moodle provides a user single sign on.
- Moodle has a layout and organization structure that makes it easier to navigate and utilize.
- Moodle allows numerous types of content formats to be uploaded and be available for use.
- Moodle has different options and tools that make it interactive and fun to use.
What We Offer You?
Our proficient team makes sure you get what you are looking for. We offer customizable LMS that comes with a wide range of services. We have customized new Moodle modules including online booking for classroom courses, and customized reporting with easy to use filters which can be exported to Excel. We have also integrated Moodle into corporate environments with single sign on to Moodle.
Our Moodle services are as follows:
- Moodle Customization
- Moodle Development and Integration
- Custom Themes Design and Installation
- Custom Course Design
- Learning System Development
- Module Development
- Custom Modules Integration
- SCORM compliant
- Programming Service
- Application Development
- Payment Gateway Integration
- Plug-in Development
- E-Learning System
- Extensions Development
- Website Implementation and Maintenance